CCD Classes 2023 - 2024
CCD Classes will start on Sunday, September 17, for 2023 – 2024 Year
Also the last day for CCD registrations!
El Domingo 17 de septiembre iniciamos las clases de CCD para el periodo 2023-2024
¡También último día para registración!
The Sacraments Are Life Changing
Congratulations! Whether you are studying for your own Sacraments or looking for classes for your child, godchild, fiance, spouse, or friend, we are here to help! To those who are looking to receive the Sacraments, you take a very important step forward with your own religious education by seeking the Sacraments. The Sacraments were instituted by Jesus Christ Himself as the primary means to receive His grace. Baptism is absolutely necessary for salvation. Confirmation completes the Sacramental anointing of Baptism and neglecting it without good reason is a mortal sin. The Sacraments give life to the soul. The same is true for Holy Communion, which is our Lord’s True Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, since without receiving Him in Holy Communion, we have no life in us, as our Lord Himself has said.
→ Confessions
After each Mass / Después de cada Misa
Confessions are heard in the Church’s reconciliation room from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm on Saturdays, by appointment or any time, JUST ASK.
→ Baptism
To register for classes, just download the registration form, fill it out, and send it along with the Consent Form to the email / Para inscribirse a las clases, sólo tiene que bajar la forma de registro, llenarla y enviarla junto con la Forma de Consentimiento al correo electrónico:
- Baptism/Bautismo (PDF Form)
- Electronic Communication and Virtual Learning (Consent Form) / Consentimiento para Comunicación Electrónica y Aprendizaje Virtual (Forma de Consentimiento)
→ First Communion
For more information on guidelines and classes, please call the CCD office at (956) 542-2696 or visit our CONTACT page.
→ Confirmation
In our dioceses, young people usually receive Confirmation in the tenth grade. Students who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation need to attend two years of instruction held at the parish before the ceremony.
For more information on guidelines and classes, please call the CCD office at (956) 542-2696 or visit our CONTACT page.
→ Matrimony
Congratulations on your engagement!
Current parishioners and their children are welcome to be married at San Pedro Catholic Church. Please note that the Diocese of Brownsville requires six to twelve months of preparation before the wedding. Weddings at San Pedro Catholic Church are held in the Church and may be scheduled up to one year in advance.
Marriage is a unique sacrament where you and your spouse make the complete and irrevocable gift of yourselves to one another. We pray that you will find this to be a time of grace as you prepare to celebrate your love in this sacrament. San Pedro Catholic Church looks forward to assisting you, particularly as you reflect on the sacramental character of marriage in light of your own relationship.
Please schedule an appointment with Fr. Joel R. Flores at least six months before your desired wedding date.
To begin your Marriage Preparation process, please go to our CONTACT page
Those who have no intention of becoming parishioners may also be married at San Pedro Catholic Church. We ask that you contact us to help you complete all of the necessary paperwork, and we will assist you with planning your wedding ceremony in conjunction with the guidelines of the Catholic Church and the Diocese of Brownsville. Non-Parishioner weddings can be scheduled no sooner than one year in advance, and no more than one non-parishioner wedding will be scheduled on any Saturday.
For weddings elsewhere
Members of the parish desiring to be married elsewhere are encouraged to obtain preliminary information about the location and the priest who will officiate. One of our parish priests can assist in preparing the couple and completing the paperwork.
→ Annulments
If you are awaiting the decision of the Marriage Tribunal regarding a possible annulment, please wait until you have received your final papers. Parishioners desiring information about an annulment are urged to contact one of our parish priests.
Our parish welcomes those interested in joining the Catholic faith by inviting them to participate in the RCIA program (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). This program usually begins in October, and reception at the Church takes place during the Easter Vigil.
→ Communion to the Sick
Parishioners who are unable to attend Mass but wish to receive communion are urged to call the Office and arrange for the Holy Eucharist to be brought to them at home.
→ Anointing of the Sick
Parishioners can call the rectory to request this sacrament. Reception of this sacrament should not be viewed as only for those in immediate danger of death. Group or communal anointings, which are periodically scheduled, are announced in the bulletin.
→ Funerals
Funerals or Memorial Masses can be arranged through the funeral home of your choice or by calling the office directly.