Due to the COVID-19 (CORONA) Virus the San Pedro Catholic Church will remain closed until the Diocese receives further instruction by our Bishop Daniel E. Flores. We invite you to join us as we live stream Masses here at the San Pedro Catholic Church
Follow us on Facebook @SanPedroCatholicChurch
Daily Mass 8 AM (Bilingual)
Scheduled: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Friday 08:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Saturday Holy Mass 4 PM (Bilingual)
Every Saturday at 04:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Misa ( Español ) Domingo 8 AM
Cada Domingo a las 08:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Sunday 11 AM Mass (English)
Every Sunday at 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Live streaming Mass
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Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle – National Shrine
Online LIVE Daily Mass Times
Monday-Saturday: 11:30 am (Bilingual)
Sunday: 09:00 am (English) 1:00 pm (Spanish)
Follow the Live Streaming Mass with Magnificat
During this challenging time, many of the faithful are unable to attend Mass.
Magnificat is honored to provide complimentary access to our online version to help people pray from home. https://us.magnificat.net/free
Durante este tiempo difícil, muchos de los fieles pueden ser incapaces de asistir a la Misa.
Magnificat se complace en ofrecer el acceso gratuito a nuestra versión online para ayudar a la gente a rezar desde casa. https://latina.magnificat.net/gratis