San Pedro Catholic Church

Via Crucis Schedule

This year each of the following groups will take turns leading the Stations of the Cross here at San Pedro.  Guides on how to celebrate the Stations of the Cross will be provided.  Each group must select a coordinator who will notify the office by Friday February 21st that they have been selected.

Each group is in charge of the following: welcoming others to the Church (greeters who hand out worship aids, and invite visitors to Sunday Mass), a narrator- to read the prayers and each station (this may be divided up by each station), choir for singing songs (this is a small choir-basically a cantor to intone hymns).  If you have any questions, please have the coordinator contact parish office.

Friday, March 20th 2020

Friday, March 27th 2020
Staff – @ Bella Villa

Friday, April 3rd 2020
Altar Servers

Friday, April 10th 2020
Living Stations of the Cross – Youth Group / Men’s Club